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  • Koji je cilj tečaja, što ću dobiti?
    Glavni cilj i dobitci su osjećati se oslobođenijim, slobodnijim u izražavanju sebe i vjerovati svojim umjetničkim i životnim procesima. Naglasak je na samoistraživanju i volji za igrom i sudjelovanjem.
  • Kada tečajevi počinju i završavaju?
    Tečajevi su u tijeku. Možete im pristupiti vlastitim tempom.
  • Hoću li dobiti pristup cijelom sadržaju tečaja odjednom?
    Nakon što se registrirate i rezervirate tečaj, moći ćete pristupiti knjižici tečaja, časopisu za samorefleksiju i uvodnom videu. Trećeg dana dobit ćete pristup audio zapisu meditacije i radnoj bilježnici tečaja. U drugom tjednu ćete dobiti Alat, a na kraju knjige će vam biti poslana radna knjiga za završetak. Popis lektire također je uključen u vašu radnu bilježnicu.
  • Koja oprema/alati će mi trebati?
    Pristup računalu, računu e-pošte, kreativnim materijalima (izborno), te željnom i otvorenom umu.
  • Postoji li priprema? Ili nastavak?
    Obavljati zadatke s drugom osobom i sami i pronaći ravnotežu i tempo, zajedno s vlastitim vođenjem dnevnika, aktivnom maštom i svakodnevnim cijenjenjem ljepote.
  • Što da radim ako želim postaviti pitanje instruktoru ili trebam pomoć?
    Pošaljite nam e-poruku na – nastojimo odgovoriti u roku od 3-5 radnih dana.
  • Koliko dugo imam pristup tečajevima?
    Pristup našim tečajevima je neograničen koliko god želite.
  • Koji drugi resursi postoje?
    Svako načelo ima popis za čitanje koji može podržati vaše učenje. Potičemo vas da istražujete i napravite vlastiti popis za čitanje kako biste podržali svoju individualnost i proces završetka.
  • Što je rezultat tečaja?
    Ovisi o vama i energiji u vašem prostoru za sudjelovanje s drugom osobom ili sami. Cilj je otkriti što je svaki princip Fluidnosti sebe za vas i moći ga sami izraziti. Neki sudionici odluče otići i dalje razvijati ono što su iskusili po završetku tečaja(ova). Mogućnosti su beskrajne. Primjeri onoga što su prošli učenici radili: pisali priče i pjesme, kreativnije podržavali druge, slikali, stvarali filmove, pokretali kreativne tvrtke ili jednostavno radili unutar kreativnog istraživanja bez potrebe za rezultatima.
  • Moram li dijeliti ono što sam stvorio?
    O vama ovisi. Možete to držati u tajnosti ili nas pitati za povratne informacije. Pozivamo sudionike da podijele svoje kreativne rezultate na našem Instagramu.
  • O čemu se radi u metodologiji?
    Koristimo metodu koja se zove Fluidity of Self. Ova vam metoda omogućuje sigurno istraživanje fiksnog/zaglavljenog i fluidnog/iskustvenog te drugih različitih dijelova Sebstva kako biste razumjeli i stvorili unutarnju ravnotežu. Naglasak procesa Fluidity of Self je kreativno poigravanje s različitim dijelovima sebe i otkrivanje vašeg istinskog ja - sebe koje je uravnoteženo, fluidno, slobodno i može zadržati sve dijelove koji vam dođu u svijest. Praksa koju naši tečajevi nude nije terapija - ali je terapeutska na način da se sudionici počnu osjećati oslobođeno i iskusiti unutarnju slobodu kako bi bili optimalni. Strogo se preporučuje da se vježba s drugom osobom.
  • What is Transformational Coaching with Fluidity of Self (FoS)?
    Transformational Coaching with Fluidity of Self (FoS) is a practical and personalized approach to coaching. Combining mental health expertise, mindfulness, and creative practices, personal lived experience. It helps individuals, including those with ADHD, mental health diagnoses, and those self-identifying for support, navigate life's challenges, gain self-awareness, and build lasting confidence.
  • How is this coaching different from traditional coaching or therapy?
    While traditional coaching often focuses on specific goals and therapy addresses mental health issues, Transformational Coaching with FoS offers a unique blend. It helps you explore your strengths, challenges, and aspirations holistically. You'll delve into your identity, creativity, inner child, career, and confidence, providing practical tools for your personal and professional life.
  • Who can benefit from Transformational Coaching with FoS?
    Anyone looking for practical strategies to enhance personal growth, self-awareness, and confidence can benefit from this coaching. It's particularly helpful for individuals dealing with ADHD, mental health diagnoses, career transitions, creativity blocks, or those striving to improve well-being and life balance. It's also for those who want to go beyond their diagnosis or self-identify as needing support.
  • How do sessions work, and what can I expect?
    Our coaching sessions are conducted online, lasting 60 minutes via Google Meet. Additionally, finding a quiet and private space is recommended to minimize disruptions and foster a focused environment for meaningful conversations. This collaborative effort enhances the overall effectiveness of the coaching interaction, creating a productive and confidential space for both parties.
  • Can this coaching complement therapy or other self-development practices?
    Absolutely! Transformational Coaching with FoS can be a valuable complement to therapy or other self-development processes. It provides a practical perspective and tools to enhance your overall well-being and self-awareness.
  • What tools are used during coaching sessions?
    Expect practical exercises, meditations, resilience-building techniques, and mindfulness tools like breath techniques for managing mental health challenges in your daily life. During sessions, we use a variety of tools, including creative and abstract explorational embodied tools like play with empty boxes. These tools are designed to help you gain insights, explore your identity, and build resilience in a practical and engaging way.
  • Do I need to be prepared to start the coaching sessions?
    While specific preparation is not required, it's essential to approach the coaching sessions with an open mind and a readiness for self-discovery and growth. Being receptive and willing to explore various aspects of yourself and your life will enhance the effectiveness of the sessions. The coaching process is a collaborative effort, and your active engagement is key to achieving positive changes and improved well-being.
  • How do I initiate the coaching process?
    To begin your coaching journey, simply visit the Fluidity of Self (FoS) website's coaching session page to book your free 30-minute initial consultation. During this session, you and your coach will discuss your goals and collaboratively determine the duration and the most suitable payment plan for your unique needs, ensuring a personalized and supportive coaching experience.
  • What is the ideal duration for coaching sessions?
    The duration of coaching sessions can vary based on your specific goals and needs. If you have a particular challenge you'd like to address or need a quick boost to get back on track, a single session can provide valuable insights and guidance. For those seeking more profound and lasting changes, a block of 6 or 8 sessions is often recommended. This extended approach allows for a more comprehensive exploration of your goals and provides consistent support over time. If you're interested in longer-term work or have unique requirements, such as ongoing personal growth or in-depth self-exploration, longer arrangements can be arranged upon request. Ultimately, the choice of duration depends on your individual objectives, and your coach can help you determine the most suitable plan during your initial consultation.
  • What are the payment and duration options for coaching sessions?
    You have flexibility in choosing the coaching session duration that suits you best. We offer individual sessions, as well as blocks of 6 or 8 sessions. Whether you prefer shorter-term or longer-term work, the choice is yours. Please email for detailed pricing and booking options. We offer discounts depending on duration.
  • Can I book longer coaching sessions, such as half or full-day sessions?
    Absolutely! Longer coaching sessions, ranging from half a day to a whole day, can be arranged to provide intensive preparation for specific events or to dive deep into your personal and professional growth. These extended sessions allow for more in-depth exploration, strategy development, and skill-building. If you believe that a longer session would best serve your needs, please discuss this option during your initial consultation, and we can tailor a session that aligns with your goals and timeline.
  • Za koga je ovo?
    Naši online tečajevi namijenjeni su svima koje zanima samorazvoj. Umjetnici i kreativci, kao i terapeuti i treneri koji žele biti svjesniji svoje prakse. Svatko drugi tko želi iskusiti oslobođenje od krutih priča, identiteta i uloga onoga što jeste i krenuti na svoje putovanje samospoznaje igre i svjesnosti.
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